Setting Managed Metadata

Mon Mar 31, 14
I recently had an issue trying to set the Managed Metadata field value on a new list item I was creating in C# code. In the control where the user could select the managed metadata value I was using the OTB Taxonomy Control which was properly bound to my Managed Metadata Field. From that I would then retrieve the ‘Value’ (Label Guid)of the Term selected and call the TaxonomyFieldValue PopulateFromLabelGuidPair. This would successfully retrieve a TaxonomyFieldValue and I would this use this as follows:

TaxonomyFieldValue mmdFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(string.Empty);
item[field.Id] = mmdFieldValue;

No exceptions were thrown, but when reviewing the list item the Managed Metadata Value was not present. I added the following lines to determine what value was actually in my mmdFieldValue variable being used to set the item’s field:

string validatedString = field.GetValidatedString(mmdFieldValue);
string validatedString2 = field.GetValidatedString(mmdFieldValue.ToString());
string justString = mmdFieldValue.ToString();

What I noticed was the validatedString2 was usually an Empty string, while the validatedString was populated, but included a leading integer. The justString usually had a value of [Label] [GUID], as expected.

With some experimenting what I found was the validatedString, no matter what value I selected for the field always had the SAME leading integer ‘0’. This was the key to resolving the issue, and what I found was the TaxonomyFieldValue object has three properties: Label, GUID, and WssID. The WssID was the key, it’s value was also always 0 so I tried changing it to a -1 and suddenly all my Taxonomy Values worked.

Final Code:

TaxonomyFieldValue mmdFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(string.Empty);
mmdFieldValue.WssId = -1;
item[field.Id] = mmdFieldValue;