Dec 01, 22
VPN Setup
To support the Point-to-Site VPN a root and child certificate is needed for authentication. Use the following steps to generate the certificate. Note: The script is unsigned so you will need to run this in an environment that allows for unsigned script execution. Download the New-P2SCertificate.ps1 script to your machine Run: ps:> New-P2SCertificate.ps1 [optional: -RootCertCN myrootcert] [optional: -ChildCertCN mychildcert] [optional: -CertOutputFile pubrootcert.txt] Copy the output in the terminal, or the output in the txt file generated and provide this as the gatewayRootCert parameter in the lab provisioning process or in the Gateway’s Settings (post provisioning). After the Root Certificate has been applied to the gateway’s configuration go to the Point-to-Site Configuration and choose Download VPN client Extract the file from the downloaded Zip and install the appropriate VPN agent (typically WindowsAmd64)

Dec 01, 22 | MDE | Microsoft | Security
Defender for Endpoint Security Lab
MDE Security Lab is based on running VMs for about a year in Azure while I’ve experimented, tested, and learned capabilities in MDE. Over a year, or more, I’ve created, deleted, enrolled, and unenrolled VMs in MDE, added varying types of OS’s, and even experimented with various management platforms (Intune, Ansible, SaltStack, etc.). This environment is a collection of those artifacts so I can create and tear down these labs for various purposes.

Jan 18, 24 | MDE | Microsoft | Security
Defender for Linux
Linux Lab is based on my larger MDE lab but is purely focused on MDE with Linux. The goal of this lab is to help familiarize people with deploying MDE on various Linux distros.