Get Started with Defender AV - Part 1

Wed Mar 30, 22

When switching from one AV to another organizations want to know if they can keep their current AV settings, or if their AV Vendor has recommendations for better adoption, detection, and performance. For these types of conversations with Microsoft Defender AV I often recommend customers look at the Security Baseline rules as a good starting point.

Security Baseline

Security Baseline is available in the Endpoint Manager portal, in the Endpoint Security section. There are actually several Security Baselines available to choose from, but in this post we are going to focus on the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Baseline settings.

Security Baselines

Note: This is not the only baseline that has Defender AV settings, so you may want to collect the settings from multiple policies.

Getting the settings

The simplest way to get the settings is to create a security baseline policy, assign it to nothing, and then look at the various settings under Microsoft Defender to duplicate them to your AV policy.

There is a challenge here, the labels in Security Baseline don’t match up with the Windows 10, Windows 11, and Server Defender AV Policy. Security Baseline’s labels also don’t match up to the Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server (ConfigMgr) Antivirus Policy. So some translation of the settings is required which is what the table below does: identifies the settings and their values.

Decoding the Security Baseline settings

Below are two tables that identify the Security Baseline Label and Value and provide the Policy’s Label and Value. There is also a table that maps the Security Baseline values to the CSP attributes.

Security Baseline to Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server AV Policy

Security Baseline Value Defender AV Value
Turn on real-time protection Yes Allow Realtime Monitoring Allowed. Thurs on and runs the real-time monitoring service.
Additional amount of time (0-50 seconds) to extend cloud protection timeout 50 Cloud Extended Timeout Configure (switch) and 50
Scan all downloaded files and attachments Yes Allow scanning of all downloaded files and attachments Allowed.
Scan type Quick Scan Scan Parameter Quick scan
Defender schedule scan day Everyday Schedule Scan Day Every day
Scheduled scan start time Not configured Schedule Scan Time Not Configured (switch)
Defender sample submission consent Send safe samples automatically Submit Samples Consent Send safe samples automatically
Cloud-delivered protection level High Cloud Block Level High
Scan removable drives during full scan Yes Allow Full Scan Removable Drive Scanning Allowed. Scans removable drives
Defender potentially unwanted app action Block PUA Protection PUA Protection on. Detected items are blocked. They will show in history along with other threats.
Turn on cloud-delivered protection Yes Allow Cloud Protection Allowed. Turns on Microsoft Active Protection Service.

Security Baseline to Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server (ConfigMgr)

Security Baseline Value Windows 10, 11, Server (ConfigMgr) Value
Turn on real-time protection Yes Real-time protection » Turn on real-time protection Yes
Additional amount of time (0-50 seconds) to extend cloud protection timeout 50 Cloud protection » Defender Cloud Extended Timeout in Seconds 50
Scan all downloaded files and attachments Yes Real-time protection » Scan all downloaded files and attachments Yes
Scan type Quick Scan Scan » Scan Type Quick scan
Defender schedule scan day Everyday Scan » Day of week to run a scheduled scan Every day
Scheduled scan start time Not configured Scan » Time of day to run a scheduled scan Not Configured
Defender sample submission consent Send safe samples automatically Remediation » Submit Samples Consent Send safe samples automatically.
Cloud-delivered protection level High Cloud Protection » Cloud-delivered protection level High
Scan removable drives during full scan Yes Scan » Scan removable drives during full scan Yes
Defender potentially unwanted app action Block Remediation » Action to take on potentially unwanted apps Enable
Turn on cloud-delivered protection Yes Cloud Protection » Turn on cloud-delivered protection Yes

Security Baseline to CSP

Security Baseline Value CSP Value
Turn on real-time protection Yes Defender/AllowRealtimeMonitoring 1
Additional amount of time (0-50 seconds) to extend cloud protection timeout 50 Defender/CloudExtendedTimeout 50
Scan all downloaded files and attachments Yes Defender/AllowIOAVProtection 1
Scan type Quick Scan Defender/ScanParameter 1
Defender schedule scan day Everyday Defender/ScheduleScanDay 0
Scheduled scan start time Not configured Defender/ScanParameter 120
Defender sample submission consent Send safe samples automatically Defender/SubmitSamplesConsent 1
Cloud-delivered protection level High Defender/CloudBlockLevel 0x2
Scan removable drives during full scan Yes Defender/AllowFullScanRemovableDriveScanning 1
Defender potentially unwanted app action Block Defender/PUAProtection 1
Turn on cloud-delivered protection Yes Defender/AllowCloudProtection 1