Azure - PowerShell Capabilities I Love
I use Azure for Development and Testing very heavily with my job as a consultant for Microsoft. Since most of my work is done deploying systems On-Premises I usually have to build environments for testing of deployment scripts etc. This means I have the option to go through the Azure Portal and create machine after machine, or I can use PowerShell to script these processes. As such I have gone through many of the IAAS PowerShell commands and thought I would share some of my commonly used commands.
Azure Mobile Angular Services
I recently had a request for a more detailed example of how to use the Azure Mobile Angular Services so I went ahead and created a single page application that has very little capability but is a good example for those getting started with AngularJS and Azure Mobile Angular Services and have pushed it to the GitHub site. The example is built using Visual Studio but is just a single HTML page and a Scripts folder with the necessary .js files inside.Once you have pulled the project you will find it does actually read from my Azure Mobile Services, although write is disabled,so you can follow along.